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Election Simulation

To begin simulating an election, select the Election Shifter1 from the tools dropdown in the map header.


The Election Shifter adjusts existing election data based on your inputs. To start, pick a base election to shift. You can modify the base election’s turnout and margins using the following parameters:

  • Demographic Data:
    • Income
    • Race
    • Education Levels
  • Geographic Specificity:
    • Individual counties
  • Data Blending:
    • Averaging or mixing other election data
  • Universal Adjustments:
    • A base shift applied across all precincts

Combine any of the above methods to tailor the model to your requirements. After configuring your model, click Build Election. A new dataset labeled “Simulated Election” will then be available in the sidebar.

This simulated dataset functions identically to standard election data within Redistricter, allowing for comprehensive mapping and analysis. Calculations for the simulated election are performed at the precinct or block group level.


To show the margin change between the base election and the simulated election, select the “Shift” dataset and hover over the settings icon to open the shift settings. Set the “Election to shift from” as the base election you chose and the “Election to shift to” as simulated election.

To show the turnout change, do the same but with the “Turnout Change” dataset.


  1. Or select the now deprecated Election Shifter (older version) option in the tools dropdown to build elections without using a base election to shift.